Myth Technology

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Shanghai Misi Technology Co., Ltd. is a start-up high-tech enterprise mainly engaged in MEMS sensor chip design, module packaging and sales. It has completely independent intellectual property rights, strong versatility and wide coverage of internationally advanced MEMS process technology, and its serialization is highly competitive. MEMS sensor products are advancing into mass production.


1. International-level technical team

The company's core R&D team comes from the only national key laboratory in the field of MEMS in China (National Key Laboratory of Sensing Technology). It is led by national outstanding youths and experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program. It has deep accumulation in MEMS sensor research and development and has a deep understanding of the MEMS sensor market. understand deeper.

2. Advanced MEMS sensor scale manufacturing technology

The company masters the core process technology that can cover a variety of mainstream MEMS sensors and achieve low-cost, high-yield large-scale manufacturing---"minimally invasive surgery" MEMS process. This process is currently the most advanced third-generation MEMS manufacturing process in the world. , at the international leading level.

3. Comprehensive patent layout

As an easy-to-expand “universal” process, the “minimally invasive surgery” process can also cover multiple categories such as flow sensors, infrared thermopile sensors, and acceleration sensors. The company has carried out patent layout in the above key areas, forming a solid patent barrier.

4. Mature, serialized products that can be mass-produced quickly

The company's first product is the world's smallest and lowest-cost MEMS pressure sensor chip, with performance indicators comparable to similar products from Bosch. Our product series has comprehensive competitive advantages such as small size, high performance, and low cost. It can have a strong impact on the corresponding products of international MEMS giants and is expected to quickly stand out in the current trend of independent sensor substitution.

Based on core technologies with completely independent intellectual property rights, the company will build a model of China's intelligent manufacturing and an international enterprise, and provide "core" support for the country's new infrastructure and industrial Internet undertakings.


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Product Catalog
All Pressure Sensor Chip