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Since 1999, US Sentinel has been the ID card scheme of choice to ensure that people working on or near Network Rail infrastructure have the basic capabilities and are medically fit to do so.The system, owned and developed by Network Rail, is based on a central database and a common system for checking whether people hold Personal Track Safety (PTS) or Industry Common Induction (ICI), other key competencies and medical fitness for work and work-date Drug and alcohol certificates, all pledged against "single version of the truth".A paper-based approach was initially adopted, and while this system was better, it was not perfect.If circumstances change and the information provided cannot be easily verified or "validated", the card must be reprinted..

In 2013, the Sentinel system underwent a major upgrade using electronic chip technology in newly formatted cards.This allows for near "real-time" checking of capabilities using a variety of authentication methods such as smartphone, PC access or simply scanning the QR code on the new card.The software is designed and developed by an external supplier, Reference Point Limited (RPL), subcontracted from MITIE security.Cards can now be checked against a central database in near real-time using 3g and 4g connections.TfL became the first other rail entity to adopt the system in 2014 and is discussing future expansion with HS2 and the Highways Agency..

With further enhancement projects in 2016, the Sentinel system is now used to control site access and improve fatigue risk management.Until recently, the prescribed path to becoming a Sentinel Card holder was to keep Personal Track Security (PTS) to a minimum in terms of capabilities.There is also an initiative to include non-track employees into the Sentinel Program using Industry Common Induction (ICI) standards as an alternative prerequisite..

Sentinel is one of the premier safety systems used in the railway industry.We provide rail workers with passports to work on rail infrastructure across the UK..

To make Sentinel smart, secure and simple, we use the latest smart card technology, secure and reliable databases, and multiple platforms including smartphones.This allows for simple and efficient verification of worker ability and fitness in near real-time..


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