Xi'an Tedi Electrical and Mechanical

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Xi'an Tedi Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. is the only (authorized) service provider of French SBG company in China..

The company was founded in 2000. Over the past 10 years, the company's employees have been adhering to the tenet of customer first, service first, and reputation first. It has enjoyed a high reputation nationwide, especially in the fields of aerospace, aviation, navigation, and military industry..The company provides domestic customers with micro, high-performance, low-cost, high-precision micro-MEMS AHRS (attitude reference system) and micro-MEMS INS (integrated navigation system).The main products are: Ellipse, Ekinox, Apogee series and Navsight land, air/marine solutions, Quanta UAV and Qinertia post-processing software..

Ellipse series products (new third generation), mainly include Ellipse Micro, Ellipse-A AHRS, Ellipse-E Ext.aided INS, Ellipse-N INS/GPS, Ellipse-D dual antenna INS/GPS..

Ekinox series products (third generation), mainly include Ekinox-A AHRS, Ekinox-E Ext.Aided INS, and Ekinox-D dual antenna GPS/INS..

Apogee series products, mainly include Apogee-A AHRS, Apogee-E Ext.Aided INS, and Apogee-D dual antenna GNSS/INS.Quanta UAV series products, mainly include: Quanta RTK and Quanta Extra RTK.Navsight land, air/marine solutions, mainly include: Navsight+Ekinox IMU, Navsight+Apogee IMU, Navsight+Horizon FOG IMU Qinertia post-processing software: Qinertia Lite, Qinertia GNSS, Qinertia UAV and Qinertia Pro..

Xi'an Tedi Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. is the only (authorized) service provider of the French SBG company in China..

Xi'an Tedi Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. is the only domestic authorized service provider of American Republic Electronics Company. Its main products are: precision ranging simulator PDME-200 and Tacon simulator DTS-200C..


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Product Catalog

Product Catalog

All Inertial Navigation System (ins) Motion Reference Unit (mru) Navigation Position Reference System (ahrs)
Product Catalog
All Inertial Navigation System (ins) Motion Reference Unit (mru) Navigation Position Reference System (ahrs)