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Plansee Performance Materials: Strong metals for strong products

Plancy is an expert in molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum, niobium and chromium products. Refractory metals, alloys and composite materials from Plansee are starting to be used in electronics, coating technology or high-temperature furnaces wherever conventional materials are stretched beyond their limits. From tiny radiators to huge furnace equipment: with its powerful metal,
Plansee provides quality products all over the world.

As a leader in powder metallurgy, Plansee covers the entire production process from ore to customer-specific components. To do this, it presses and sinters metal powder and performs a series of deformations
operations to create an extremely tough, reliable product.

In order to help customers improve productivity and encourage technological innovation, Plansee pays special attention to research and development. The company works closely with customers to develop new materials and products for forward-looking technologies in areas such as clean energy, medical engineering, electronics and mobility.

Plansee operates from 32 locations in 24 countries around the world. In order to become the industry's preferred partner in the field of refractory metals in the future, Plansee continuously invests in the initial training and further development of its 3,000 employees, as well as in production capabilities and state-of-the-art technologies: from powder manufacturing and powder metallurgy processes to customized processing and raw materials Recycle


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