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China Electronics Technology Group Chongqing Sound and Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is a sub-group directly managed by China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. (one of the top ten military industrial groups under the direct control of the central government and a Fortune 500 company, hereinafter referred to as China Electronics Technology Group). It has 4 countries 1 Class Research Institute (China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. No. 9/24/26/44 Research Institute.

Chongqing Sound and Optoelectronics Company, as the core cornerstone of China Electronics Technology's "Great Power and Important Weapon" and the "national team" of military electronics, always adheres to scientific and technological innovation as its first core competitiveness and is committed to the development of the country's "network information industry" to achieve sound and light It is the mission to independently control core component technologies and products in the fields of electrical, magnetic and microsystems.

The company's products are widely used in major national engineering fields such as aerospace, aviation, and lunar exploration. It has 1 national key laboratory, 4 provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological innovation platforms, 4 provincial and ministerial level joint innovation centers, acousto-optical electromagnetic and its microsystems The technical strength is among the leading domestic and internationally advanced levels.

The company is headquartered in Chongqing, with 4 affiliated research institutes, 20 industrial companies, two production bases in Chongqing and Mianyang, and R&D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and other places. As of 2020, the number of employees has reached more than 8,000, 50% of the R&D team has a master's degree or above, and both revenue and profit levels are at the forefront of China Electronics Technology.


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