StarNet Yuda

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Beijing StarNet Yuda Technology Co., Ltd. Focusing on the innovative application and industrialization of inertial technology, it was established in May 2005 with a registered capital of 160 million yuan. It is a national high-tech enterprise and a Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise. It is committed to China's independent inertial technology research and development and industrialization.

what are we going to do : With inertial technology as the core, it provides a full range of services including devices + components + systems + solutions.

Navigation: Beidou navigation, inertial navigation, integrated navigation

Measurement: mobile measurement, ocean measurement, tilt measurement, smart driving

Control: Antenna stability control (communication in motion), photoelectric stability control (pod)

Serving many fields such as national defense, emergency communications, intelligent transportation, ocean surveying and mapping, geographical surveying and mapping, etc.

Our advantage : 141 software copyrights, 80 patented technologies, 7 provincial and ministerial level innovation awards, 10 major special projects

China's Top 50 Satellite Navigation and Positioning Companies

Outstanding Enterprise in China's Intelligent Driving Test Field

Zhongguancun Top 100 High-Growth Enterprises

Hosted the satellite application industrialization project of the National Development and Reform Commission

Hosted a major satellite application project of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission

Undertake the major national second-generation satellite project of the General Armament Department

Undertake the modern service industry application demonstration project of Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology

Guaranteed the return of the Shenzhou spacecraft to the search and rescue mission, and won awards from the General Armament Department

Guaranteed major naval exercise missions and received commendation from the Naval Command


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Product Catalog
All Ultrasonic Wave Radar Satellite Communications Pod Device