Anhui Tianguang

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Anhui Tianguang Sensor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1991, covering an area of ​​22,000 square meters and a registered capital of 16 million. Mainly engaged in R&D, production and sales of: load cells, electric ice detection sensors, torque sensors, tension sensors, shaft pin sensors, pressure sensors, tension and pressure sensors and matching measurement and control instruments and other products. For more than 20 years, Tianguang has continuously absorbed advanced technologies at home and abroad, introduced foreign equipment and processes, studied and absorbed modern enterprise management concepts, and has developed and produced thousands of force sensors and supporting instruments. The products are widely used in military industry , aerospace, oil fields, transportation, medicine, metallurgical building materials, teaching and other industries such as measurement and testing in the automation process. Its semiconductor strain gauge production technology is mature and its product quality is reliable and is sold at home and abroad.


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Product Catalog

Product Catalog

All Force & Load Sensors The Force & Torque Instrument Weight Sensors Torque Sensors Traction & Tension Dynamometer Pressure Sensors

Recommended Sensors

Product Catalog
All Force & Load Sensors The Force & Torque Instrument Weight Sensors Torque Sensors Traction & Tension Dynamometer Pressure Sensors