Electro Optical Components

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Exclusive North American distributor of technologically advanced components for a variety of laser and optoelectronic systems, from ultraviolet to far infrared. EOC is a specialist technology distributor representing primarily European (UK and German) companies. It was founded in 1997 to develop North American sales organizations for these companies. We are engineers with many years of sales and marketing experience. Before electronic optics, William Bourque was the vice president of sales and marketing for a technology company and knew how to sell to this market. EOC has 19 years of experience selling optical components and detectors. They know how to get maximum exposure and how to work with customers to get orders. In the past five years, EOC has grown by more than 10% on average. That's impressive considering the overall state of the economy.


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Product Catalog
All Radiation Detector The Prudence Machine Water Quality Testing Instrument Infrared Windows Gas Equipment Gas Sensors Non-contact Infrared Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors Thermopile Radiation Detector