Online monitoring system for ambient temperature and humidity in red wine storage cellars based on sensors, Internet of Things, data analysis and other technologies

XKCON cheung accused 11 month ago
The Definition of Electronic Ballast

The XKCON red wine storage cellar environmental temperature and humidity online monitoring system consists of three parts: an environmental temperature and humidity detector, a monitoring host and a software monitoring system.

In order to ensure the taste and quality of red wine,wine should be placed in a place with a certain degree of humidity and stable humidity. This is a red wine cellar. Since the temperature and humidity of the cellar environment are the key factors that affect the storage state of wine,the temperature and humidity of the cellar environment should be average. Set to 5℃~15℃,50-80%RH.

The XKCON red wine storage cellar environmental temperature and humidity online monitoring system developed by Automation consists of three parts: environmental temperature and humidity detector,a monitoring host and a software monitoring system. The system uses advanced technologies such as sensors,Internet of Things,and data analysis,and has The following main functions:

(1)Data collection:The environmental temperature and humidity detector XKCON-MT-W-120 is powered by a 24VDC intrinsically safe power supply. It can continuously collect and record the temperature and humidity values of the monitoring points of the cellar environment with high precision 24 hours a day,and upload the data to the intelligent monitoring host. Upload to remote monitoring software through RJ45/4G/5G and other transmission methods;


(2)Multiple alarms:In order to ensure that the red wine cellar is kept at a cool and constant temperature,it supports two-level alarm settings of intelligent monitoring host and remote monitoring software. When the ambient temperature and humidity exceed the limit value,the system will alarm through SMS,,voice,etc.;

(3)Data storage:The system has functions such as automatic data storage. The intelligent monitoring host has a built-in 2G data storage capacity. The monitoring software supports data query,backup and download within two years;

(4) Linkage control:The intelligent monitoring host XKCON-TM-W supports 6 relay contact outputs by default. In the wine cellar temperature and humidity monitoring system,once the ambient temperature and humidity exceeds the limit,the system will issue a linkage command as soon as possible. When the temperature and humidity in the cellar reach normal value,the relevant equipment automatically shuts down.


As we all know,red wine is made from fermented grapes,so it is rich in nutrients. In daily life,if you are not going to drink the red wine you buy home for a while,you can put the bottle upside down or place it flat or diagonally. Once the bottle is opened,should drink it as much as possible. If can’t finish it,put the bottle on the Store in a cool place,upright.

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