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American AlphaLab, Inc. was established in Salt Lake City in 1993 by Bill Lee, Ph.D. in Physics.The company manufactures a variety of electronic products including. Trifield® EMF instruments (can measure electrical, magnetic and microwave fields at the same time), magnetic field meters, AC and DC gauss meters, electric field meters, voltmeters, radio microwave alarms, etc..Over the years, the company has developed and produced products in many other fields, which are widely used in various fields and occasions, such as detecting leakage and field strength of magnetism, electricity, and microwaves. It is suitable for laboratories, offices, schools, scientific research units, families, Various public places that require testing, etc...

Trifield® is a registered trademark of AlphaLab..


main products.

Magnetic field strength tester, gas density meter, hand-held Titus meter, voltmeter, magnetometer,. Air ion detector, radio microwave alarm. wait.


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Product Catalog
All Digital Ohmmeter Digital Voltmeter Field Intensity Meter Gauss Meter Magnetic Field Instrument Magnetometer